As far as I am aware, Epitome is the only local bathhouse that has themed nights. I think Epitome took a leaf from other foreign gay bathhouses like Towel Club in Singapore and Hong Kong (visit the website—it’s one of the most tasteful gay-oriented websites I’ve seen). Towel Club has its special nights like Beefcake Thursday—special rates for gym members—and Speedo Sundays—for guys who like trunks and underwear.
Like Towel Club, Epitome has its own special themed nights. Currently they are Oooh La La Mondays, Lights Out Tuesdays, Wild Wild Wednesdays, and Undergears Only Thursdays. These special nights are aside from their usual drag comedy and sing-along shows on Friday and Saturday nights as well as their extended opening hours during Sundays. I’ll describe below what you can expect during these themed nights in Epitome.
Oooh La La Mondays
Oooh La La!
Exactly 10PM, 11PM & 12 Midnight, Epitome highlights an Exciting, Exhilarating, Expressive GoGo Boy at the Gym Area
On Mondays, Epitome has a striptease number performed by a macho dancer at the gym area divided into three parts. The first part starts at 10 p.m., followed by the second part at 11 p.m., then a finale at midnight. Each part lasts for less than 5 minutes and its only during the finale where the dancer bares it all.
My verdict? Skip the show. Why bother looking at a gyrating man when you can possibly have real sensual fun with other patrons? Then again, I’m not really a fan of macho dancing so those who are into such form of entertainment might like this night.
Lights Out Tuesdays
Dark Hallways, Dark Rooms, Dark Maze, Dark Steam Room, Dark Outdoor Heated Jacuzzi, Dark Gym, Dark Shower Areas...
MEN Bonding in the Dark!
Tuesday nights are basically just your regular nights except everything is darker and most areas are lit only by candlelight. Epitome is already dark in the first place so you can already imagine how much darker it will be.
I’ve tried this themed night twice. The first time the video room had no blue films playing so it practically doubled as another dark room. The second time there was a screening of blue films (as is usual) so it was not entirely dark; most guys then use the video room area and the adjacent hallway to check each other out.
“Skin Night” Wild Wild Wednesdays
Be Vulnerable. Be Daring. Be BOLD.
No Underwears allowed, No Game, No Play
Only Wednesdays at Epitome takes you to a different side of bath house experience... SKIN Night!
This is the kinkiest themed night for Epitome. It basically has you in the bath house naked, save for a gym towel (about 1 feet by 2 feet) for modesty’s sake. I might say that this night is for the exhibitionists and the voyeurs among us; it’s definitely not for the self-conscious or modest people.
I have to emphasize that the towel is really small. Unless you’re an inordinately slim guy, you cannot wrap the towel around your waist. You can cover your crotch and your buttcrack but you need two hands (one, if you’re clever, but it requires sticking your elbow out). So most guys just content themselves with covering their crotch area and leave their butts naked for all to see. A few daring souls simply just hang the towel on their shoulder and strut around naked.
The problem with this night’s setup is that the small towel is simply not large enough to dry yourself with should you wish to take a shower—the staff won’t give you any big towels for bathing purposes. Be forewarned.
Undergears Only Thursdays
Reveal your hottest, sexiest, hippest thongs, boxers, briefs, trunks
This Thursday themed night is essentially the same as Wednesdays, only this time, you’re allowed to wear one piece of lower underwear. Epitome markets this by encouraging patrons to wear their most sexy briefs, boxers, trunks, or even thongs.
Since this is just the more modest version of Wednesday’s theme, the same caveats regarding using the towel for bathing purposes apply.
Hope that guides you if ever you've been curious about the numerous event listings posted by Epitome’s management on Guys4Men about these nights.