Jan 18, 2010

The C’est so Paris gay rugby ad

Speaking of rugby, I’d like to share this 2007 ad campaign (example layout above) commissioned by the tourist agency of Paris that aimed to attract British people to go to France, which hosted the 2007 Rugby World Cup. The idea was to show that aside from Paris being the City of Love, Parisians also have a sense of humor. :-) You can do a Google image search for "paris gay rugby ad" to look for a larger version.

Humorous or not, I totally dig this advertisement! Aside from the obvious “French” kisses, there’s plenty of things going on with the other players, like all the groping at crotches and butts. Hehehehe. Too bad that ads like this are unlikely to be made for the Philippine market anytime soon.


icarusboytoy wrote on January 18, 2010 at 10:40 PM:

haha i love it!